Adult Speech-Language and Voice Therapy

At Garden State Speech Therapy, we provide evaluation services and a host of treatment methods for treating speech disorders.

Adult Speech-Language Evaluations

Our comprehensive adult speech and language evaluations are designed to assess and address a variety of communication challenges. Our skilled team of speech-language pathologists conducts personalized evaluations to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement. Following the evaluation, a tailored intervention plan to enhance communication, promote independence, and improve overall quality of life will be created for you. Whether you're seeking assistance with speech or language our expert therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve your communication goals.

Our Services

Our adult speech, language, and swallowing services offer personalized and evidence-based interventions to enhance communication skills, address speech disorders, and support individuals in overcoming language challenges, fostering effective and confident communication in various aspects of daily life.

  • Difficulty swallowing is known as dysphagia. Treatments depend upon the type or cause of the swallowing disorder. Our speech therapy clinic specializes in creating personalized treatments to improve swallowing problems.


  • In speech therapy for adults, cognitive linguistics refers to the therapeutic process of improving a person’s capacity to process and use information to improve daily function.


  • Dysarthria is a speech disorder resulting from brain damage that has weakened the muscles that help you speak. Dysarthria can happen alongside other speech language disorders. Treatments for this disorder may include: Slowing down speech, Using more breath to speak louder, Strengthening mouth muscles, Moving your lips and tongue more.


  • Like many other adult speech-language disorders, AOS is caused by brain damage. Apraxia is a motor speech disorder in which the signals from your brain to your mouth get jumbled, making speech difficult. Our SLPs work alongside each individual to help improve communication skills. The treatments for AOS are similar to those for dysarthria.


  • Many people have experienced a hoarse voice after cheering for a favorite sports team or a seasonal cold. Some voice disorders are chronic and require the help of a qualified speech-language pathologist. Our voice therapies cover many common voice disorders and can be done in our speech therapy clinic or via our SLP online services.


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